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By growthzone | March 29, 2024

卡伦·古德曼:我认为对马尼斯蒂县有影响的妇女现在已经是三月了, the time in our Michigan season that brings snow, rain, warmth, and mud. 这样的描述,我相信我已经描述了刚刚过去的这个冬天. 三月是我们开始考虑从冬季冬眠中走出来的时候(如果你是……


By growthzone | March 29, 2024

SHERRI PROTASIEWICZ:冬季冒险:在寒冷的月份里如何参与马尼斯蒂县的活动马尼斯蒂县以其25英里的密歇根湖海岸线而闻名, incredible fishing, river paddling, hiking, and everything an outdoor enthusiast could ever want. 我们这里四季皆宜,所以在寒冷的月份里,雪是不可预测的,我们……

BLADE GATES: New Year, New Opportunity to Invest

By growthzone | January 23, 2024

BLADE GATES: New Year, 新的投资机会虽然现在说“新年快乐”可能已经太迟了, 能写2024年第一期《澳门威尼斯人网址》专栏真是太棒了. I don’t know about you, 但自从2020年春天以来,我们的世界发生了翻天覆地的变化, time…

BLADE GATES: How are you connecting with your community?

By growthzone | December 18, 2023

BLADE GATES: How are you connecting with your community? The end of the year always comes at a surprise to me. How is it that 2023 is coming to a close already? While I have never been big on New Year’s Resolutions, 我总是发现自己在反思过去的一年,并考虑我……

BLADE GATES: What Makes Small Business, Small Business?

By growthzone | November 20, 2023

BLADE GATES: What Makes Small Business, Small Business? “小企业星期六”已经成为一种全国性的现象. 作为马尼斯蒂地区商会的新员工, I am always hearing the phrase, “每个季节都是小企业的季节”,而且理由很充分! 当任何企业澳门威尼斯人网址商会,他们投资于…


By growthzone | March 25, 2023

Each story is only as good as the author who tells it, and this month especially, 马尼斯蒂地区商会正在表彰妇女在倡导和商业方面的故事.  你知道吗,根据作者Sarah Hollenbeck在Incfile中强调的统计数据.com, women-owned businesses account for 42% of all U.S. businesses, and are responsible for employing…


By growthzone | February 24, 2023

For each of the five award categories, 颁奖晚会委员会在马尼斯蒂地区商会2023年商业颁奖晚会的现场投票中选出了前三名决赛选手, presented by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan. 每个入围者都是一个企业或商业领袖,表现出杰出的…


By growthzone | January 27, 2023

It’s a great time to be a local in Manistee, Michigan. Following a busy summer and packed holiday season, 我们有一个完美的机会给自己一些时间,拥抱我们社区的冬季仙境. From January to March, we see lower traffic, reduced business hours, only very little sun, and a lot of…


By growthzone | December 8, 2022

It’s always Small Business season in Manistee County! 不要错过传统圣诞购物的魔力——全国各地的小企业都有你的报道.  Not only is there a gift for everyone, but you’re also supporting your friends, neighbors, and community by shopping locally. When they thrive, we all thrive.…

STACIE BYTWORK:住房,激励措施使马尼斯蒂县的商业更容易

By growthzone | October 28, 2022

使马尼斯蒂县的商业更容易:住房和激励措施马尼斯蒂县的住房需求持续增长, and if we want to see action, there are many incentives and opportunities available.  上周,马尼斯蒂地区商会举办了一场无党派的市议会和县专员候选人论坛, highlighting the issues…